contemporary culture index is an online cluster of bibliographical information.

A two-sided enterprise, ccindex is composed of:

ccindex database: a standard bibliographical tool for research.

ccindex infoweb: an illustrated and annotated web operation about the periodicals indexed in the database, and the self-reflective processes involved in its production.

ccindex covers the growing need of specialized information not limited to any academic category nor to a geographical or linguistic area. Areas covered are architecture, art, cinema, cultural studies, design, literature, music, philosophy, photography and social sciences.

contemporary culture index does not pretend to be exhaustive. Aware that exhaustivity is impossible, ccindex has opted for a rigorous selection of titles in terms of their research quality; an important ambition is to connect materials that are seldom juxtaposed, in order to favour new research approaches. A high number of non-Western and small journals are not indexed in existing databases; contemporary culture index‘s aim is to make this valuable information its core.

Another strain of interest for ccindex is to index small and influential publications that are no longer published, especially those originating from artists or cultural producers rather than from conventional academic processes.

contemporary culture index is updated daily. Bibliographical records provide links to resources where articles and texts can either be located or downloaded.

contemporary culture index is composed of a team of librarians with extensive experience in the academic research area. Headquarters are currently located in Somerville, Massachusetts. Nodes can be found in Barcelona and Manhattan.

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contemporary culture index
27 osgood st. unit 3
somerville, ma. 02143 usa


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Project Projects

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Peter Rentz

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RSC, Inc.