1990s 2000s Archival Cuenca No-Fee Online Contents Available Spain Spanish
Periodical's Overview
"Acción Paralela es una revista de ensayo, teoría y crítica de la cultura y el arte contemporáno."
Selected Subject Headings
- Art and politics
- Documenta (10th: 1997: Kassel, Germany)
- Feminism and technology
- Media activism
- Media art
- Motion pictures and art
- Motion pictures in museums
- Technology - social aspects
- Video - domestic
Edited by José Luis Brea (1957-2010), Acción paralela represents a short-lived Spanish attempt to provide an art journal engaged with the different critical and theoretical discourses and artistic practices prevalent during the 1990s in Europe and the United States. It also functioned as a platform for Spanish art criticism embedded in theory, with contributions by Manel Clot, Juan Vicente Aliaga, or Carles Guerra. Of interest is its focus on philosophy, as well as the translation into Spanish of artists writings like Dan Graham or Rodney Graham, thinkers like Pierre Bourdieu, Chantal Mouffe, Guy Debord, or Hakim Bey, and its engagement with the then new “media arts’ and ‘queer arts’ discourses; a special issue was dedicated to Art and politics.
The complete journal edition is available online.
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- Modos alternativos de producción.