
Title Archipiélago: cuadernos de crítica de la cultura
Location Barcelona; Madrid
Publisher Ediciones Archipiélago
Periodicity Bimonthly
ISSN 0214-2686
Published Since 1988-2008
Indexed Holdings 2000-


ccindex office

Periodical's Overview

“Las páginas de Archipiélago. Cuadernos de crítica de la cultura, revista que nació en 1988, abren un espacio de reflexión, de crítica y de dispersión frente a la moderna barbarie civilizada. De crítica de lo obvio, de esas variantes laicas del destino que se ocultan bajo las evidencias tecnoburocráticas. De dispersión de razones y de enfoques, opiniones encontradas, reflexiones desde la filosofía, la literatura, la economía/ecología, la antropología, la lingüística, lo político... y todo desde la independencia del Archipiélago que, como reza nuestro lema, es un "conjunto de islas unidas por aquello que las separa". Su propósito, dar que pensar.”

Selected Subject Headings

  • Anti-globalization movement
  • Biotechnology - moral and ethical aspects
  • Fear
  • Historiography
  • Humanism - 20th century
  • Information society - forecasting
  • Music - philosophy and aesthetics
  • Nationalism - Spain
  • Neoliberalism
  • Open source software
  • Right and left (political science)
  • Protest movements - Spain
  • Self in literature
  • Unemployment - history


One of the few Spanish periodicals to engage critically with a faceted political understanding of culture, Archipiélago occupied a preeminent position in the Spanish speaking countries as an introducer, shaper and developer of critical discourses. Through translations and monographic issues it introduced or rethought for Spanish speaking constituencies international thinking figures, past and present, like Gilles Deleuze, Simone Weil, Jacques Derrida or Maurice Blanchot. It also dedicated the same efforts to Spanish thinkers like María Zambrano, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, Claudio Rodríguez or José Bergamín. Besides these individual-centered efforts, it also dedicated monographic issues to different sociological areas like justice, labor, drugs, education, and immigration. What is of note is that mostly of the contributors were Spanish, providing a glimpse into the transmutation of transnationally circulating ideas and trends into a different context, as well as giving a home to the critically engaged Spanish intelligentsia to produce their own thought and diffuse it to South America. The periodical folded in 2008 for lack of editorial support, readership. Made in Spain.

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  • Joaquín Rodríguez. La larga marcha de las revistas culturales. Madridmas. Blog post, 11.5.2008
  • Hasta aquí hemos llegado. Archipiélago (Barcelona), no. 83-84 (2008). Also on Archipiélago's website.