Allegheny College
Film criticism
1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s English Meadville United States
Periodical's Overview
"Founded in 1976, Film Criticism recently completed its thirty-fifth year of continuous publication, making it the third oldest academic film journal in the country. Film criticism has published the work of such international scholars as Dudley Andrew, David Bordwell, David Cook, Robin Wood, Janet Staiger, Ann Kaplan, Andrew Horton, Wheeler Winston Dixon, Marcia Landy, and Peter Lehman. Equally important, we continue to present the very best writing from a new generation of film historians, theorists, and critics representing many different disciplines, cultures, and critical perspectives."
Selected Subject Headings
- Auteur theory (motion pictures)
- Blacklisting of entertainers - United States
- Body image in men
- Ethnological films
- Experimental films - United States
- Fame
- Film adaptations - history and criticism
- Film festivals - Germany
- Love in motion pictures
- Masculinity in motion pictures
- Motion pictures - Greece
- Motion pictures and nationalism - France
- Narrativity - motion pictures
- National characteristics, Spanish
- Road films - history and criticism
- Romanticism in motion pictures
- Science fiction - social aspects
- Social classes in motion pictures
- Stereotypes (social psychology) in motion pictures
A modest but serious endeavor, Film criticism publishes twice a year in depth essays on a varied range of moving images. With its historical analysis and thematic examinations, the articles provide a good guide of film and its reception in the thinking quarters of U.S. film history departments, without the burden of a narrow theoretical framework; this can be refreshing.
Its book reviews section provides a helping tool to measure how film is thought about as resonating cultural objects, rather than solely as industrial products. An achievement, especially if the endeavor is sustained during the years.
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- Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi.
- Qun & Ling.
- Das Ende der Unschuld.